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3.2 – Exploring MartyPy Documentation

45 Minutes

Lesson Overview

In this lesson, we follow on from the first lesson where students will have started to explore what different movements and functionalities Marty has. Students will continue to explore the documentation available for MartyPy and put together their own version whilst considering why documentation might be important.

Key vocabulary:
    Python , Coding , Testing , Documentation,

Content Sections

  • Learning Objectives
  • Extensions & Challenges
    • Additional Reading
    • 3.2 – Exploring MartyPy Documentation

      45 Minutes

      Lesson Overview

      In this lesson, we follow on from the first lesson where students will have started to explore what different movements and functionalities Marty has. Students will continue to explore the documentation available for MartyPy and put together their own version whilst considering why documentation might be important.

      Key vocabulary:
        Python , Coding , Testing , Documentation,
      • Lesson 3.1
      • Laptop or PC
        • Marty the Robot
        • Python editor (such as IDLE)
        • Access to computers/laptops (with Python & MartyPy installed)
        • Student workbook (Lesson 2)
        • Revised MartyPy documentation for students

      Learning Objectives

      • Build upon knowledge of movements and functionality Marty has
      • Create their own version of the MartyPy documentation
      • Explore the importance of documentation

      1. Recap what was done in previous lesson, getting students to think about the different movements they programmed Marty to do

      2. Ask students if they can remember the specific commands and values that were needed to program Marty into those poses that were just discussed

      a. Why not? How did you find out what the different commands were that could be used with Marty?

      3. Students should go through the MartyPy documentation in small groups and explore what each of the different commands do, slowly putting together their own handbook on how to use MartyPy in Python

      4. In their handbooks, students should start to build up a useful note on the different commands and examples of how to use them

      5. Ask student teams to swap their handbooks and test out a few of the different commands they have instructions for

      a. Are they easy to follow? Is there anything missing that would make the documentation simpler to follow? How would the group add this in?

      6. Allow the groups some time to make the changes that were suggested from the other teams

      Extensions & Support

      • Add videos or images to your handbooks and document your MartyPy programming for others to follow
      • Run a short workshop with another class who haven’t used MartyPy yet and get the students to take lead on explaining and teaching the other students how to use it (with the help of their handbooks of course!)

      Additional Reading

      • Educator’s Guide
      • Get Started with MartyPy
      • MartyPy documentation

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