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Marty Image

Christmas Lesson - Marty's Christmas Tale

45 Minutes

Lesson Overview

Students will be given the chance to write a short festive story featuring Marty as the star of the show. With the scripts ready, Marty will take stage with the help of his coding friends to act out the story that can be recorded and shared with the whole class later!

Key vocabulary:
    Script, Props, Algorithm, Planning, Story Writing, Video Recording,

Content Sections

  • Learning Objectives
  • Extensions & Challenges
    • Additional Reading
    • Christmas Lesson - Marty's Christmas Tale

      45 Minutes

      Lesson Overview

      Students will be given the chance to write a short festive story featuring Marty as the star of the show. With the scripts ready, Marty will take stage with the help of his coding friends to act out the story that can be recorded and shared with the whole class later!

      Key vocabulary:
        Script, Props, Algorithm, Planning, Story Writing, Video Recording,
      • Lessons 1.1 & 1.2
      • Laptop, PC or Tablet
        • Marty the Robot
        • Laptops/Computers/Tablets
        • Access to either Scratch or Python editor
        • Bubble speech and thought worksheet
        • Storyboard worksheet
        • Scissors
        • Glue/Tape
        • Small wooden sticks (to hold up bubbles)
        • Additional props

      Learning Objectives

      • Write a short story/play featuring Marty and Christmas
      • Program Marty to act out the story using different props

      1. Break the class up into small groups of 2-3 that will be working as a team to write, program and record the story

      2.Student groups write a small story/play using the Storyboard worksheet to plan out their story and Marty’s movements

      3.Have half of the group work on props like speech bubbles and other objects while the other group plan and program Marty’s movements throughout the story

      4.Show time! 1 student will be in charge of recording the story while the others manage tasks like moving props around, making sure to run the correct code blocks at the right time (get students to pick roles that they want to take up!)

      Extensions & Support

      • Students could edit their videos to add in some different sounds or additional images
      • Make it more challenging by saying that students have to use one specific prop like a magnifying glass so that has to feature in the story and planning

      Additional Reading

      • Educator’s Guide
      • Introduction to Programming with Marty using Scratch/Python (depending on which language is being used in the lesson)

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